How Much Will a DWAI Cost You in Colorado?

Most adults know that a DUI can be very expensive. In fact, estimated costs are somewhere between $5,000 and $12,000 for a first offense. But what about the “less serious” Colorado charge, the DWAI?

Colorado is one of only two states—New York is the other—with DWAI laws on the books. Short for Driving While Ability Impaired, a DWAI allows police to charge drivers with a BAC over .05%, but below the nationwide legal limit of .08%. To be convicted of [...]

What Role Does a Defense Lawyer Play in a Criminal Case?

Put simply, as a criminal justice attorney, I help ordinary people navigate the often confusing and intimidating criminal justice system in Denver and surrounding areas.

But what are the specific duties and services a criminal justice attorney like me provides for his or her clients? Here I’ll outline what you should expect from a capable attorney throughout the entire process of a case—before, during, and after a trial.

Why Hire a Defense Attorney?

The courts do allow you to represent [...]

7 Different Types of Property Crimes in Colorado

The term “property crimes” may refer to a broad range of offenses relating to theft or destruction of property, from low-level misdemeanors to more serious felonies.

Under Colorado law, property crimes are penalized harshly, and consequences may become more serious when they involve harm or threat to other people. We’ve included a guide to seven of the most common types of property crimes below.

Arson. You can be charged with arson for intentionally starting a fire or using explosives to [...]

Police Now Using ShotSpotter Technology to Track Gun Crime

Microphones are being used to put a stop to gun crime.

Sounds like something out of science fiction, right? Or a ridiculous Saturday Night Live skit? But police in Denver allege that this powerful new technology, called the ShotSpotter, has helped them to catch two-thirds more gun crime after one year in use.

Not surprisingly, the Denver police department recently made the decision to renew and expand the Shotspotter program. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms provided funding for [...]

Colorado One of the Strictest States on DUI and Driving Offenses

If you’ve ever gotten pulled over in our state for speeding or reckless driving, this probably won’t come as any surprise:

But while many out there may have believed this to be true for years, now there is proof. A recent study rated US states on how strictly the state’s laws and insurance companies treated at-risk drivers. Out of all 50 states, Colorado came in 6th. The strictest state in the nation was Arizona, and the most lenient was South [...]