Sharing Prescriptions: Don’t Do It in CO

Many people in Colorado are given prescription medication to treat a variety of conditions. When you have a valid prescription for a medication, then that means you have the legal right to possess it in the state.

However, while you have the right to keep certain medications on your person as you go about your day, having a valid prescription doesn’t make it legal to share your medications with anyone else – even a friend or family member you’re simply [...]

What Is a “Felony Theft Threshold,” and Does Colorado Have One?

When someone is arrested for theft in Colorado, the charge can be classified as a petty theft, a misdemeanor, or a felony. What determines the seriousness of the charge? In most cases it’s pretty simple: the value of the items that were taken.

There are multiple classes of misdemeanor theft charges, but at a certain point these switch over and become felonies. That point is called the “felony theft threshold.” Basically, it’s the point at which the value of the [...]

6 FAQs about Felonies in Colorado

If you or a loved one has been charged with a felony in Colorado, it is normal to feel confused, anxious, or worried about the future. Felonies are the most serious type of crime in our state, but a felony charge does not mean you will be convicted and sent to jail for years.

Your best chance at protecting your rights and your future is to fight your charges with the strongest defense possible. Learn more about felonies below to [...]