Beat Your Denver DUI Charges with Effective Defense Strategies

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is taken very seriously by the state here in Denver. Conviction carries severe penalties that can have a substantial negative impact on your life, including heavy fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and even jail time.

However, with the right defense strategy based on the specifics of your situation, it is possible to challenge DUI charges and potentially reduce or even have them ultimately dismissed. This blog will explore some of the effective DUI [...]

Steal a Car in CO? It May Not Matter What It’s Worth

Colorado sees a lot of car thefts in a year – and the numbers continue to climb.

This has led lawmakers to reconsider how car theft is penalized here. Currently, how much a car is worth will inform the penalty for the crime upon conviction.

However, lawmakers are now fighting to change the sentencing structure for this crime. They want to enhance the penalties related to car theft that don’t take the vehicle’s value into account. Their reasoning? This property [...]

How CO Domestic Violence Can Impact Child Custody

Child custody in Colorado and around the United States is a complicated matter. If a domestic violence charge enters the picture against one parent, then that can make things even more complex. However, in every case involving child custody, the judge will overwhelmingly evaluate one factor: What is in the best interest of the child involved?

The truth is that any history of domestic violence or pending charges can make things a lot more difficult  for the accused in a [...]

What to Know If You’ve Been Charged with Attempted Murder in Colorado

Violent crimes are some of the most harshly punished crimes in Colorado. However, sometimes the crime doesn’t even have to be fully completed in order for a person to be charged – the intent of the crime is often enough for a conviction, especially when it comes to attempting murder.

In Greeley, Colorado, a man wanted for attempted murder in El Paso County was recently spotted. He is on the run, and the public has been warned that he is [...]

Drug Searches on Public Transportation: What Is the Law in Colorado?

If a police officer pulls you over for a traffic violation, they might ask to search your vehicle. You have the right to say no, which you can and should exercise, even when feel you have nothing to hide.

What about traveling on public transit, though? What are your rights in then?

Because public transit is paid for by tax dollars, it is considered public property. However, you still have the right to refuse a search of your person unless [...]