Colorado’s Stance on Cyberbullying: Legal Defenses

Cyberbullying has become a growing concern in the digital age, particularly among adolescents and young adults. In Colorado, lawmakers have recognized the harmful effects of cyberbullying and have enacted laws to address this issue. Understanding Colorado’s stance on cyberbullying, the legal consequences involved, and strategies for defending against wrongful accusations is crucial for both individuals accused of cyberbullying and their legal representatives. In this blog, we will delve into Colorado’s laws regarding cyberbullying, explore potential legal consequences, and discuss effective [...]

Cybercrimes Committed by Juveniles: Online Offenses in Colorado

The rapid advancement of technology has brought numerous benefits to society, but it has also introduced new challenges, particularly in cybersecurity. In recent years, there has been a rise in juvenile cybercrimes, raising concerns about the legal, social, and educational approaches needed to address these issues effectively.

Understanding Juvenile Cybercrimes

Juvenile cyber crimes include hacking, online harassment, cyberbullying, identity theft, and spreading malicious software. The age group of these offenders often falls between 12 and 17 years old. It’s essential [...]

Internet Luring of a Child in CO: What You Need to Know

Many people have access to computers in Colorado – including kids.

If you are ever in contact with a child online and make plans to meet up for sex, then that is itself a crime in Colorado – even if sex acts never take place.

With the way computers and the internet are used in the lives of everyday people in this day and age, it’s pivotal to understand what is against the law and what potential penalties can be [...]

CO Attorney General Looks Out for Digital Fraudsters

Computers have changed the world for the better in many ways. Still, there are always going to be people who try to take advantage of others and defraud them. Computers serve as another avenue for fraudsters to commit these crimes.

This trend has not gone unnoticed, which is why the Colorado Attorney General is working to stop digital fraudsters in their tracks.

On top of the AG’s office efforts to apprehend the people committing fraud, they’re also focused on educating [...]

Denver Woman’s eBay Scheme Costs $1M+ in Penalties

Nearly every American has a computer in their home in this day and age. Because of this, certain crimes involving computers have become much more common – and it is perpetrated by people you may not expect.

According to the Denver Post, a woman from Denver bought almost $850,000 in goods through her employer’s account and then resold them on eBay to make money. While this woman ultimately pled guilty to tax evasion and mail fraud, she easily could have [...]