Common Defenses against Colorado Theft Charges

Have you been charged with theft in the greater Denver area? Theft in Colorado is a very serious crime, one that can result in prison or jail time, probation, fines, restitution, community service, or even house arrest depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident.

In particular, the actual sentence you face will vary based on the value of what was allegedly stolen:

  • Under $50 – results in a petty offense (up to 6 months, plus fines)
  • $50 to $300 –

What Does an Assault Charge Mean?

Being charged with a violent crime like assault involves high stakes. An assault conviction can hold serious repercussions that can affect all aspects of your life – your freedom, your employment, your relationships, and your reputation.

According to Colorado law, assault is generally defined as knowingly or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person. Under this definition, your assault charge might be confusing. That’s why it’s important to understand what an assault charge means and what punishments you could potentially [...]

Domestic Violence Rises After the Holidays

Even though the media may stress that domestic violence increases over the holidays, domestic violence advocates and research tell a different story.

Overall, domestic violence does not increase over the holidays. In fact, it may actually decrease a bit. Depending on whom you ask and where you collect your data, there may be spikes in domestic violence, but there are usually other factors to consider. And increases in holiday domestic violence are the exceptions instead of the rule.

It makes [...]

Colorado Holiday DUI Enforcement: The Heat is On

During the holidays, there are more people on the road traveling to visit family and friends or attending holiday parties and gatherings. It is, after all, the most wonderful time of the year. But with all the celebrating, it’s also the time of year when far too many people get in their car and drive under the influence of alcohol.

Typically, the holiday season is seen as starting with Thanksgiving – the most traveled weekend of the year – and [...]

Colorado’s Marijuana Laws and Penalties

If you are a recreational user of marijuana, legalization probably made you stand up and cheer. Finally you could stop hiding and feeling guilty about using marijuana. If you wanted to light up on the street, you could just do it.


With the legalization of recreational marijuana use under Amendment 64, you may be under the impression that marijuana laws are now obsolete in Colorado. This, however, is not the case.

While the recreational use of marijuana is allowed, [...]