Archives for: February 3rd, 2022

What Is a Sexually Violent Predator in Colorado?

Being charged with a sex crime is a scary proposition. After all, it can have a lasting impact on your life if you are labeled as a sex offender. But there is actually a state label that can be far more damaging than that: “Sexually violent predator.”

It’s important to understand what a sexually violent predator is under Colorado state law and what it can mean for your future if you find your name attached to it.

Here is what [...]

Internet Luring of a Child in CO: What You Need to Know

Many people have access to computers in Colorado – including kids.

If you are ever in contact with a child online and make plans to meet up for sex, then that is itself a crime in Colorado – even if sex acts never take place.

With the way computers and the internet are used in the lives of everyday people in this day and age, it’s pivotal to understand what is against the law and what potential penalties can be [...]

Possession Of Child Pornography in CO: Is Only Viewing a Crime?

Child pornography is a crime with serious consequences. It is exploiting those who are most vulnerable in our society and is not viewed favorably by the court – including those who do not make or distribute but merely possess it. Yes, that’s right, viewing child pornography for sexual gratification, even if you’ve not produced or distributed it, is still a crime in Colorado – and a quite serious one.

If you’re facing child pornography charges in the state or have [...]

What Colorado Crimes Put You on the Sex Offender Registry?

When someone commits a crime and is found guilty, they may expect certain consequences to stem from that, such as jail time or fines. However, some penalties associated with crimes can stick around for years after all jail time has been served, especially when it comes to convictions for sex crimes.

Those convicted of certain sex crimes in Colorado must register as sex offenders. Most of those offenders are required to register their updated information at least once per year, [...]

Sex Crimes in Colorado Come with a Lot of Hidden Costs

Sex crimes are taken seriously in Colorado and around the country. However, time spent in jail for the offense may be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sex crimes. Why?

To put it simply, there are many hidden costs associated with being convicted of a sex offense. Many people are not aware of these consequences and what it could mean for their future.

That’s why it’s crucial to not only understand what type of actions can [...]