Are Colorado Marijuana Laws Moving Backward?

Everyone knows that Colorado has been a leader in the movement to legalize marijuana. After our state and Washington voted in favor of recreational marijuana use a few years ago, four more states followed suit in the November election. It is proof of what the polls have been saying for a while now – more and more people across the country are in favor of legalization.

So why is Colorado looking to pass laws that limit our ability to grow [...]

Violent Crimes Have Decreased in Colorado since Legalization

As one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, the country has been looking to Colorado to see what effect legalization would have on our crime rates, incarceration rates, and overall functioning as a state. Among the many studies and reports taken in the few short years since the legalization of marijuana, one in particular looks at the rate of violent crimes in Denver.

According to, Denver saw a 2.2% decrease in all violent crimes in the first [...]

Colorado State Patrol Debuting Marijuana DUI Devices

The legalization of marijuana has brought a number of marijuana-related concerns to the forefront of public consciousness, and the United States has its eyes on Colorado with our little legal “experiment.”

Besides drug trafficking, one of the major concerns about legalizing marijuana is whether the number of drugged driving incidents will increase.

Well, the statistics for 2015 have come in and the number of marijuana DUIs has decreased…slightly. In 2014, there were 354 marijuana only citations issued, and only 347 [...]

4 Ways Marijuana Users Can Face Drug Charges in Colorado

If you’re a marijuana user, you’re probably pretty happy to be living in Colorado. It’s easy for you to make a trip to your local dispensary and enjoy a relaxing night. But just because recreational marijuana is legal, that doesn’t mean everything regarding marijuana is legal in our state.

There are still numerous ways that marijuana users can face drug crime charges for possession, sale, distribution, and cultivation of marijuana. So let’s look at four of those ways.

1. It’s [...]

Colorado’s Marijuana Laws and Penalties

If you are a recreational user of marijuana, legalization probably made you stand up and cheer. Finally you could stop hiding and feeling guilty about using marijuana. If you wanted to light up on the street, you could just do it.


With the legalization of recreational marijuana use under Amendment 64, you may be under the impression that marijuana laws are now obsolete in Colorado. This, however, is not the case.

While the recreational use of marijuana is allowed, [...]