Colorado Teens Can Face Domestic Violence Charges, Too

No one has to tell parents that emotions for teenagers tend to run high. During these years, it’s not uncommon for teens’ emotions to swing wildly from one end of the spectrum to the other or for these feelings to be accompanied by verbal or physical altercations.

Unfortunately, when these big emotions rear their ugly heads in romantic relationships, problems can ensue. Couple this with teens still learning to navigate the complexities of sex, romance, and intimacy, which can be [...]

Why Does Vehicular Homicide Happen in Colorado?

In Colorado, vehicular homicide is defined as causing another person’s death while driving a vehicle, whether intentionally or through reckless behavior. It can devastate families and communities, leaving lasting emotional and financial scars. Moreover, this serious criminal offense carries severe consequences, including lengthy prison sentences and steep fines.

Unfortunately, vehicular homicides have been rising throughout Colorado recently, leaving many people wondering why this frightening trend is happening. According to a report by the Denver Post, there were 57 fatal [...]

Is It Credit Card Fraud or Identity Theft in Colorado?


Colorado, like all states, has laws against credit card fraud and identity theft. But what’s the difference between the two? 

To put it simply, credit card fraud involves using someone else’s credit card without their permission or knowledge. At the same time, identity theft goes much further—it involves stealing someone else’s personal information (including Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, driver’s license numbers, etc.) and using it to commit crimes. 

These crimes occur all the time, and understanding [...]

Your Life If You Become a Sex Offender in Colorado

If you are convicted of a sex crime and must register as a sex offender in Colorado, your life will change drastically. Your name and other personal information will be on the state’s Sex Offender Registry Board and you will have to submit to certain restrictions that could have long-lasting consequences on your everyday life.

What does this look like specifically, though?

In this blog post, we will cover what it is like to live as a registered sex offender[...]

Understand Your Rights Regarding DNA Expungement in Colorado

Sometimes, when an individual is arrested for a crime, the state has the right to take their DNA. It can be used as evidence in the case against them. However, many people do not realize that this DNA sample doesn’t just go away – it stays on file and will show up on any future searches that law enforcement officials conduct.

Thankfully, Colorado has laws allowing people charged with a crime to file for expungement of their DNA. This does [...]