Colorado Spring Break: More Tourists Equal More Cops

It’s nearly spring, and for plenty of college students, that means it’s time for spring break. Colorado is a popular spring break destination for many students, and tourism picks up quite a bit during this season. More people means more potential problems, so local law enforcement ramps up their community presence.

In fact, Spring Break is listed as one of 16 “The Heat Is on” DUI enforcement effort periods Colorado has each year. That means patrol cars are out more [...]

When to Consider a CO Defense Attorney for Your Municipal Court Crime

If you’ve ever faced confusion when it comes to Colorado courts, you’re not alone – the system can be fairly complex. There are many layers and divisions and many don’t have a clear understanding of exactly how they work.

For example, if you are told that you are going to have to go to municipal court, you might have questions. Is your case less serious than those that go to other types of courts? What are the rules?… Do you [...]

Do False Allegations of Domestic Violence Really Happen in Colorado?

A recent report from the United Nations said that the most dangerous place for women to be was their homes – largely due to domestic partner violence. This doesn’t just apply to faraway countries, either. According to reports, one in three women in the United States has experienced some sort of intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.

Women, however, are not the only victims of domestic violence. Men’s rights groups throughout the country want to get the word out about [...]

Breaking Down Colorado’s Vehicular Homicide Law

In Colorado, a charge of vehicular homicide comes with serious penalties. In this post we’ll break down the law on vehicular homicide and how it applies to individual cases. We’ll also describe the penalties and let you know what legal help is available.

First, let’s look at a couple of actual recent cases.

Two Recent Vehicular Homicide Cases

On Jan. 27, a three-vehicle crash killed two and injured three on Interstate 25 near Denver. A 2006 black Jeep utility vehicle [...]

Your Guide to Criminal Diversion Programs in Denver

If you or your child have been accused of a crime, you are no doubt concerned about the long-term consequences of a criminal record. However, depending upon the nature of the crime and any prior convictions, you or your child could qualify for a diversion program that will get the charges dismissed.

What are criminal diversion programs, and how can they help you?

The aim of criminal diversion programs is to rehabilitate defendants and help them avoid a criminal record, [...]