Archives for: October 11th, 2019

You’ve Been Falsely Accused of Shoplifting in Colorado – What Now?

Shoplifting is a crime that has been occurring since people started selling things. There are many examples of how shoplifting can occur, including taking goods from a retail store, walking out of a restaurant, or using a service without paying for it.

Unfortunately, due to increased loss prevention tactics within Colorado to preserve profit, it can be very easy to be mistaken or falsely accused as a shoplifter. Nobody likes to be accused of doing something that they didn’t do, [...]

Colorado Shoplifting FAQs

Many people take the act of shoplifting lightly – it’s considered by many to be a frivolous and victimless crime. However, any and all shoplifting charges should be taken seriously, especially in states like ours, where no legal distinction is made between shoplifting and other forms of theft.

If you’re facing Colorado shoplifting charges, it’s very important to understand how shoplifting laws work in Colorado. Therefore, we’ve put together a guide covering the basics of Colorado shoplifting, which should answer [...]

Know the Law: These Acts Count as Shoplifting in Colorado

Imagine this: your great aunt from out-of-town buys you a sweatshirt for Christmas from a local retailer – local to her. Unfortunately, it’s hideous, and you’d really like to return it, but you can’t because they don’t have a store in your area. By which we mean the closest store is several states away.

Then your spouse has an idea: return the sweater to your local department store, which carries the same item, and get credit there. It’s brilliant!

So, [...]