Archives for: August 6th, 2021

FAQ: What to Know about Colorado Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is not an uncommon crime to be accused of in Colorado – and it can be complicated to understand.

Once the ball gets rolling on domestic violence charges in Colorado, they are difficult to stop. This makes it even more important to comprehend domestic violence charges and your rights if you’re accused of this crime.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about domestic violence in Colorado, including how it is defined, how it is charged, [...]

Your Guide to Dealing with Protection Orders in Colorado

Protection orders are issued by courts in Colorado to protect one person from another. It keeps the person named in the order from contacting the other in any way. You may hear these types of orders referred to as restraining orders, no-contact orders, or injunctions, but they all effectively serve the same purpose.

In most cases, victims of domestic violence seek protective orders against their abusers, but there isn’t simply one kind of protective order. In fact, the state of [...]

Colorado Intends to Raise Bar on Domestic Violence Investigations

Domestic violence crimes in Colorado occupy a unique space. That’s because domestic violence isn’t an independent crime in and of itself. Instead, it serves as a sentencing enhancement for other crimes.

Up to this point, it’s been asbent as an enhancement for certain crimes that seem like they should fall under domestic violence, such as child abuse.

House Bill 21-1099 seeks to change this. It would include child abuse in domestic violence laws in the state. Essentially, the bill strives [...]

More Money for CO Investigators, More Domestic Violence Charges?

Recently, the US Department of Justice awarded nearly 2.4 million dollars to the state to support four projects aimed at addressing domestic violence and helping survivors.

That said, it remains unclear whether it will have any effect on the way law enforcement will handle offenders. We think it just may.

Here’s why: Nearly $1M of the money is earmarked for two civilian domestic violence investigators to the Colorado Springs police department.

This is a lot of money. If money is [...]

Domestic Violence Calls Have Experts Concerned: Know Your Triggers

The coronavirus has shaken the world up in many ways aside from the virus itself. Millions of people are finding themselves out of work and businesses are being forced to close doors en masse. Lots of people are also practicing social distancing by staying home.

Because of these things, one issue that cities like Denver are contending with? The potential for a massive spike in domestic violence.

Experts Concerned for Potential Spike in CO Domestic Violence Calls

The extensive quarantine [...]