Colorado Auto Theft Charge? Don’t Drive a Stolen Car to Court

Here’s a lesson you hopefully don’t need us to teach you: do not drive a stolen car to court after being accused of car theft.

Sounds obvious, right? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what a Connecticut man did earlier this month.

Jonathan Rivera, 25, was scheduled to appear in court on charges of first-degree larceny and tampering with a vehicle. He showed up for his court appearance in a 2014 Subaru Legacy.

When he arrived, parking authority agents scanned the license plates [...]

Could a Denver Theft Arrest Lead to Drug Charges Too?

Denver has recently seen a substantial increase in both auto thefts and methamphetamine possession – a 13% increase in stolen vehicles, and a 30% increase in meth possession arrests.

Drug addicts often steal or break into vehicles in order to trade the contraband for drugs. Local law enforcement is aware of this connection, and is attempting to crack down on both types of offenses.

However, the assumption that someone is committing auto theft to pay for drugs is just that [...]

Types of Theft Colorado Police Watch for During the Holidays

Most people see the winter holiday season as a time of celebration. Thankfulness. Togetherness. Joy and cheer. For the Denver police and others in local law enforcement, though, it is also a time that brings a huge uptick in the number of theft cases they have to handle.

Some of these cases are truly unusual, like the young adults that recently got caught on camera stealing Christmas decorations. Or the man who allegedly stole over $7,000 worth of Christmas trees [...]

Understand the Penalties Associated with Looting in Colorado

In our state, you won’t find a looting law on the books. In fact, only a handful of other states have actual, specific looting laws.

Here, if you are found looting, other charges like theft, burglary, or robbery will apply. Read more to learn about these charges and their penalties.


Theft is when an individual knowingly takes something of value without another’s permission. Even if they did not take the item of value themselves, but received or accepted stolen [...]

Shoplifting: A “Minor” Crime That Can Easily Become a Major One

A teen girl shoving lipstick into her purse. A man trying on clothes and wearing them as he walks out of the store without paying. A kid taking a toy because he really wanted it. Or maybe a celebrity stealing something from a store when they could have easily paid for it.

These are the kinds of things many of us imagine when we think about shoplifting. It is a “minor” crime that takes little effort, causes little harm, and [...]