What Happens If You’re Charged with Violating a Colorado Restraining Order

If you have been charged with violating a restraining order in Colorado, it’s important to know what happens next. In this post, we’re going to explain the restraining order laws in our state as well as the penalties for violating an order.

Understanding Protective Orders in Colorado

A protective order, otherwise known as a restraining order, prohibits you from contact with a person who believes that you intend to do them harm. The order is intended to prevent touching, tampering, [...]

6 Things to Do If You Have Been Issued a Protection Order

Being issued a protection order can be stressful. Violating a protection order is a criminal offense, and can land you in jail. Because of this, you might feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells, and may even fear leaving the house – or wherever you are staying – to avoid violating the order.

If you have been issued a protection order (or believe you may be issued one), it is important to take it very seriously. But you don’t [...]

How Will A Domestic Violence Charge Affect Your Gun Rights?

Though many people are aware that federal law restricts felons from owning firearms, they may not be aware that Colorado also restricts the gun rights of individuals convicted of domestic violence crimes—even if the offense was a misdemeanor.

In 2013, Colorado passed a law preventing convicted domestic abusers from purchasing guns. If a misdemeanor domestic violence charge shows up on a background check, gun retailers cannot sell that person a firearm.

The law also made it illegal for offenders to [...]

The Different Types of Domestic Violence Protective Orders

Domestic violence charges are some of the most serious accusations that a person can face. Because domestic violence charges are so severe, they are also some of the most complex—as are the accompanying protection orders that generally come with them.

In a domestic violence case, it is relatively common for the victim to serve the alleged abusive partner with a protection order. A domestic violence protection order, also known as a restraining order in Colorado, establishes certain parameters that will [...]