5 Internet Behaviors That Could Be Considered Cyber Crimes

The advent of the internet has brought a new type of criminal offence—cybercrimes.  Though the government was somewhat slow to recognize the spread of this type of crime, repeated incidents and disasters have heightened awareness and law enforcement agencies are now cracking down on cyber crimes aggressively.

The FBI in particular is working hard to stay ahead of this trend and keep people safe by prosecuting cyber crimes aggressively. Since, as a modern-age American citizen, you probably devote hours of [...]

The Dangers of Juvenile Incarceration

While our nation’s youth crime rates have declined considerably in the last 20 years, the US continues to put more children and teenagers in juvenile detention centers than any other developed country. Our juvenile incarceration rate is seven times higher than Britain’s, and 18 times higher than France’s rate. Each year, we spend millions of taxpayer dollars keeping children and teens behind bars.

While these numbers are frightening on their own, it’s even more frightening to consider the effects of [...]

The Different Types of Domestic Violence Protective Orders

Domestic violence charges are some of the most serious accusations that a person can face. Because domestic violence charges are so severe, they are also some of the most complex—as are the accompanying protection orders that generally come with them.

In a domestic violence case, it is relatively common for the victim to serve the alleged abusive partner with a protection order. A domestic violence protection order, also known as a restraining order in Colorado, establishes certain parameters that will [...]

Shoplifter’s Rights

When they find themselves face-to-face with authority figures, people will often back themselves into corners by immediately surrendering rights that they don’t realize they have. This is common in situations like drug busts or speeding citations, but it can also apply at other times as well, such as when an individual is accused of shoplifting.

Even though shoplifting may seem like a relatively minor crime, it can be more serious than many people realize, and you need someone experienced on [...]

As of Today, You’d Still Be a Sex Offender

Sex crimes are among the worst acts that a person can commit against someone else, both for the victim and for the accused. As anyone who has been found guilty of a sex crime can attest, there are few other crimes that come with such a powerful and damaging stigma. Now, some people in Colorado are arguing that much of that shame and stress comes directly from the “sex offender” label itself.

As reported by NBC, the state regulatory board [...]