The prosecution won’t tell you this, but not all evidence holds up in court. An illegal search, a flawed drug test, or even a simple paperwork mistake can make their case fall apart. And when key evidence gets thrown out, so do a lot of drug charges. The legal system isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept bad evidence being used against you. A good defense starts with challenging everything—how the drugs were found, who handled them, [...]
Obstruction of a telephone is a serious criminal allegation, and a skilled, knowledgeable Denver criminal defense lawyer is required to defend one so accused.
One may be charged with obstruction of a telephone where he or she prevents or obstructs a communication through a communication device by any means.
Obstruction of telephone constitutes a class 1 misdemeanor.
When charged with obstruction of a telephone, a skilled Denver criminal attorney is essential. Contact a Denver criminal lawyer today to discuss your options.