Archives for: May 7th, 2021

Denver Court Overturns Sex Crime Conviction on Technicality

Society heavily condemns sex crimes – and the law reflects that. Still, many cases sex crimes remain unreported or unsolved. According to the Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN), 995 out of 100 perpetrators of sexual assault never go to jail.

This makes an overturned verdict for a sex crim feel even more egregious–especially if based on a technicality. In Denver, a recently appealed case was overturned due to improper references to the criminal charge process during the trial.

The [...]

What It’s Like to Be on the Sex Offender Registry in Colorado

The justice system is founded on the premise of rehabilitating offenders. Individuals are sentenced to punishments deemed to fit the crime.

Once a sentence is carried out, offenders are said to have paid their dues. Yet there are some crimes that continue to cause harm to ex-offenders long after their sentence is over. Sex crimes are one of them.

Unique because offenders may be sentenced to register on the sex offender registry, the handling has come under some controversy. The [...]