Archives for: April 10th, 2019

How Do Deferred Judgements Work in Colorado DUI Cases?

Operating a motor vehicle in Colorado under the influence of, while impaired from, or with an excessive internal alcoholic content all fall under the umbrella of “Driving Under the Influence,” or DUI.

There are a number of penalties in place for violation of DUI law in our state, including the requirement to pay a fine, report to a probation officer, complete counseling, and perform community service. However, under certain circumstances you may be granted a deferred judgement.

What does this [...]

Charged with Drunk Driving Again: Second Offenses in Colorado

Everyone deserves a second chance after a DUI.

After all, your first DUI may have been a simple mistake. People are less forgiving, however, after a second DUI arrest.

If you thought you had to fight hard after your first DUI charge, you are going to need to fight twice as hard to avoid the heavy penalties that come with a second DUI conviction.

In this post, we’re going to detail how consequences increase with second DUI offenses.

Penalties for[...]